Ticket: Exchange 2003 – Deleting this mailbox store may result in the loss of system messages used by Exchange



When does the System Attendant mailbox get created? Can it be moved or re-created?

The System Attendant mailbox is created when the system attendant is created on a server. It is associated with the first mailbox store created on a server.
If an attempt is made to delete the mailbox store containing the System Attendant mailbox, the following warning will appear:

Deleting this mailbox store may result in the loss of system messages used by Exchange, such as Free/Busy or Key Management Security. If you choose to continue, you need to restart the system attendant service after the store is deleted.


If the store is then deleted, the System Attendant mailbox will be moved automatically into another mailbox store on the server, that is, the HomeMDB value on the directory object will be updated.

The system attendant service must be restarted to reconfigure MSExchangeFBPublish to use the new mailbox location, and the mailbox object may not reappear under the Mailboxes node of Exchange System Manager until it is used in the future.
If there is a System Attendant directory object but no mailbox object, the mailbox store object will be re-created automatically in the mailbox store referenced by the HomeMDB attribute as soon as it is needed. Note that one cause of this is using a blank store for troubleshooting.



1. 您可以移除First  Storage Group 的 mailbox store

2. 當出現下列訊息時繼續刪除

Deleting this mailbox store may result in the loss of system messages used by Exchange, such as Free/Busy or Key Management Security. If you choose to continue, you need to restart the system attendant service after the store is deleted.

3. 刪除後直接重新啟動Exchange System Attendant Service 即可

4. Event ID 會有警告資訊提醒您要重啟service, 以重新配置 System Attendant 這個信箱的mailbox store

Microsoft Exchange System Attendant has detected that the system attendant object in the DS has been modified. System Attendant needs to restart the Microsoft Exchange Free Busy Publishing Service.


Blog Extended Reading

More Information & Reference
Overview of Exchange 2000 Server and Exchange Server 2003 Special Mailboxes


Issue: E14 DAG – Update Database Copy failed





Summary: 1 item(s). 0 succeeded, 1 failed.
Elapsed time: 00:00:03

Mailbox Database 0842341759

A server-side seed operation has failed. Error: An error occurred while running prerequisite checks. Error: A server-side seed operation has failed. Error: An error occurred while running prerequisite checks. Error: Service ‘Microsoft Exchange Search’ doesn’t appear to be running on server ‘BQT-E14CAS1’. Please verify that the server is operating, and that services can be queried remotely. [Database: Mailbox Database 0842341759, Server: BQT-E14MBS1.MSFT.corp.com]

A server-side seed operation has failed. Error: An error occurred while running prerequisite checks. Error: Service ‘Microsoft Exchange Search’ doesn’t appear to be running on server ‘BQT-E14CAS1’. Please verify that the server is operating, and that services can be queried remotely.

無法開啟 msexchangesearch 服務 (於電腦 ‘BQT-E14CAS1’ 上)。


Exchange Management Shell command attempted:
update-MailboxDatabaseCopy -Identity ‘Mailbox Database 0842341759\BQT-E14MBS1’ -DeleteExistingFiles -Network $null

Elapsed Time: 00:00:03



[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus


Blog Extended Reading


More Information & Reference
1. Update a Mailbox Database Copy


REF: E14 Mailbox Role – Move Requests – Part 5



Auto Complete Mailbox Moves

MoveMailbox.ps1 provides a synchronous mailbox move management experience similar to the Move-Mailbox cmdlet provided in Exchange 2007. By default, scripts are installed at C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Scripts. For more information, see Move Mailboxes by Using the MoveMailbox.ps1 Script in the Shell.

Archive Mailboxes

If archive exists, then the archive gets moved with the primary mailbox because the archive and the primary mailbox must reside on the same mailbox database. You will need to factor in the size of the archive before moving the mailbox, not only for database size, but for how long the move will take to complete.

If you are moving from an Exchange 2010 server to Exchange 2003 or Exchange 2007 server, you will need to disable the archive before you can move the mailbox. For more information, see Disable a Personal Archive for a Mailbox.

Shared Mailboxes and Resource Mailboxes

In addition to the default user mailboxes, you can move shared mailboxes and resource mailboxes. A shared mailbox is a mailbox to which multiple users can log on. A resource mailbox is a mailbox that represents a type of resource, such as a conference room or video equipment. Resource mailboxes have additional properties in Active Directory that user mailboxes and shared mailboxes do not have, such as capacity.

Exchange 2003 does not support resource mailboxes. Instead, you must use shared mailboxes to represent resources. If you move a shared mailbox from Exchange 2003 to Exchange 2010 MRS creates the mailbox as a shared Exchange 2010 mailbox. After you move the mailbox to Exchange 2010, you can convert it to a resource mailbox. For more information about how to convert a shared mailbox to a resource mailbox, see Convert a Mailbox.

Mailbox Moves during Server Failures

Move requests can handle transient errors. MRS conducts checkpoints every 5 minutes to ensure that the database the mailbox being moved is still operational. If MRS finds that the target database is not operational, MRS will sleep for 30 seconds and then retry the move. If you have a failover, the move will not fail. MRS will detect a database failover, determine where the new database is now and restart the move process.

Another error condition that could occur is that the Client Access server where MRS instance is running goes down. If this happens, the move will stop, and then one of the other MRS instances will pickup and complete the move.


Blog Extended Reading

1. REF: E14 Mailbox Role – Move Requests – Part 1
2. REF: E14 Mailbox Role – Move Requests – Part 2
3. REF: E14 Mailbox Role – Move Requests – Part 3
REF: E14 Mailbox Role – Move Requests – Part 4
5. REF: E14 Mailbox Role – Move Requests – Part 5

More Information & Reference
1. Understanding Move Requests


REF: E14 Mailbox Role – Move Requests – Part 4

1. New-MoveRequest 會存在AD & target DB’s system mailbox
2. Offline Move 是讓user 無法存取, Online Move 則於搬完後才lock source mailbox
3. MRS Instance check 每個DB’s system mailbox 是否有move request
4. MRS 應該只負責所屬AD site 的move request

    New-MoveRequest -Identity Ayla@contoso.com -TargetDatabase “DB02”

    1. The cmdlet updates active directory and then places a special message to the system mailbox within that Active directory site that a move request has been initiated and the move is set to a status of Queued. Information about the move request is stored in two places: the target database’s system mailbox and in Active Directory.
      If the move is an offline move, the mailbox is locked and can’t be accessed until the move is in Completed status. For more information about scenarios in which offline moves are created, see Moving Mailboxes Between Exchange 2010 and Previous Versions of Exchange section previously in this topic.

    2. All instances of MRS periodically check the system mailbox on every database in its Active Directory site to see if there are any queued move requests. The MRS instance on CAS01 finds Ayla’s mailbox in the Queued status.

    3. The New-MoveRequest cmdlet will choose an instance of MRS and ask it to process the move request immediately. If the selected instance of MRS is available, it will pick up the move immediately. If not, the mailbox will wait in the queued status until an MRS instance finds the move request.

    4. MRS begins to move the data from DB01 to DB02. MRS updates the mailbox’s status in the system mailbox to InProgress.

    5. When the move is almost finished, Ayla’s mailbox will be locked for a short time while the final mailbox synchronization is completed. The status of the mailbox changes to CompletionInProgress.

    6. When the move is completed, Ayla’s new mailbox on DB02 is activated and the old mailbox on DB01 is deleted. The move request status changes to Completed. Ayla can now access her mailbox after she logs off and logs back on.

    7. The administrator clears the move request information from Active Directory and on the system mailbox on DB02 by running theRemove-MoveRequest command, either in the Shell or in the EMC. Until the move request information is cleared, you can’t move the mailbox again.

      A record of the move is kept in Ayla’s mailbox and can be accessed by running the Get-MailboxStatistics cmdlet with theIncludeMoveReport parameter.


      Blog Extended Reading

      1. REF: E14 Mailbox Role – Move Requests – Part 1
      2. REF: E14 Mailbox Role – Move Requests – Part 2
      3. REF: E14 Mailbox Role – Move Requests – Part 3
      REF: E14 Mailbox Role – Move Requests – Part 4 
      5. REF: E14 Mailbox Role – Move Requests – Part 5

      More Information & Reference
      1. Understanding Move Requests


      LAB: Exchange 2010 Mailbox Role – Move request



      [PS] C:\Windows\system32>
      get-mailbox -Identity bqt.e14user1 | fl -Property, database

      Database : Mailbox Database 1671221825

      [PS] C:\Windows\system32>New-MoveRequest -Identity bqt.e14user1@msft.com -TargetDatabase "Mailbox Database 0842341759"

      DisplayName     Status        TotalMailboxSize          TotalArchiveSize      PercentComplete
      ———–        ——       —————-             ————-             – ————-BQT.E14User1    Queued   231.2 KB (236,704 bytes)                           0

      [PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-MoveRequest

      DisplayName                                    Status                    TargetDatabase
      ———–                                    ——                    ————–
      BQT.E14User1                           InProgress                Mailbox Database 0842341759

      [PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-MoveRequest | fl

      RunspaceId                 : 69e6e37b-27ac-41f0-8e57-63c3544d180a
      ExchangeGuid               : 9679a6ef-a454-44eb-8072-8a52d1091bef
      SourceDatabase             : Mailbox Database 1671221825
      TargetDatabase             : Mailbox Database 0842341759
      Flags                      : IntraOrg, Pull
      RemoteHostName             :
      BatchName                  :
      Status                     : InProgress
      MoveType                   : IntraOrg
      Direction                  : Pull
      IsOffline                  : False
      Protect                    : False
      Suspend                    : False
      SuspendWhenReadyToComplete : False
      Alias                      : BQT.E14User1
      DisplayName                : BQT.E14User1
      RecipientType              : UserMailbox
      RecipientTypeDetails       : UserMailbox
      IsValid                    : True
      ExchangeVersion            : 0.10 (
      Name                       : BQT.E14User1
      DistinguishedName          : CN=BQT.E14User1,OU=System_Accounts,OU=MSFTer,DC=MSFT,DC=corp,DC=com
      Identity                   : MSFT.corp.com/MSFTer/System_Accounts/BQT.E14User1
      Guid                       : 6ad992ec-7eae-4a3e-9680-9940d68bda09
      OrganizationId             :
      OriginatingServer          : DC12.MSFT.corp.com

      [PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-MoveRequest

      DisplayName                                    Status                    TargetDatabase
      ———–                                    ——                    ————–
      BQT.E14User1                                   Failed                    Mailbox Database 0842341759

      Resume-MoveRequest -Identity "Tony@contoso.com"

      Get-MoveRequest -MoveStatus Failed | Resume-MoveRequest




      [PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-MoveRequest -MoveStatus completed | Remove-MoveRequest



      Removing completed move request "BQT.E14User1".

      [Y] 是(Y)  [A] 全部皆是(A)  [N] 否(N)  [L] 全部皆否(L)  [?] 說明 (預設值為 "Y"): a

      Active Directory operation failed on dc13.msft.corp.com. This error is not retriable. Additional information: 存取權限


      Active directory response: 00002098: SecErr: DSID-03150A45, problem 4003 (INSUFF_ACCESS_RIGHTS), data 0

          + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (0:Int32) [Remove-MoveRequest], ADOperationException

          + FullyQualifiedErrorId : 20929A32,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.RecipientTasks.RemoveMoveRequest

      Blog Extended Reading

      More Information & Reference

      1. Understanding Move Requests

      2. Resume-MoveRequest


      REF: E14 Mailbox Role – Move Requests – Part 2



      Reasons for Moving Mailboxes

      The following scenarios list the reasons for moving mailboxes:

      • Transition   When you transition an existing Exchange 2007 or Exchange Server 2003 organization to Exchange 2010, you will move mailboxes from the existing Exchange servers to an Exchange 2010 server that has the Mailbox server role installed.
      • Realignment   You can move mailboxes to realign based on specific values. For example, you may want to move a mailbox from one database to a database that has a larger mailbox size limit.
      • Investigating an issue   If you need to investigate an issue with a mailbox, you can move that mailbox to a different server. For example, you can move all mailboxes that have high activity to another server.
      • Corrupted Mailboxes   If you encounter corrupted mailboxes, you can move the mailboxes to a different server or database to leave the corruption behind. The corrupt messages will not move.
      • Physical location changes   You can move mailboxes to a server that is in a different Active Directory site. For example, if a user moves to a different physical location, you can move that user’s mailbox to a server that is in a site nearer to the new location.
      • Separation of administrative roles   A company may want to separate the administration of Microsoft Exchange from the administration of Microsoft Windows accounts. To do this, you can move mailboxes from a single forest into a resource forest scenario. With this scenario, the Microsoft Exchange mailboxes reside in one forest and their associated Windows user accounts reside in a separate forest.
      • Outsourcing e-mail administration   A company may want to outsource the administration of e-mail and retain the administration of Windows user accounts. To do this, you can move mailboxes from a single forest into a resource forest scenario. With this scenario, the Microsoft Exchange mailboxes reside in one forest and their associated Windows user accounts reside in a separate forest.
      • Integrating e-mail and user account administration   A company may want to change from a separated or outsourced e-mail administration model to a model in which e-mail and user accounts can be managed from within the same forest. To do this, you can move mailboxes from a resource forest scenario to a single forest. With this scenario, the Microsoft Exchange mailboxes and Windows user accounts reside in the same forest.




      Blog Extended Reading

      1. REF: E14 Mailbox Role – Move Requests – Part 1
      2. REF: E14 Mailbox Role – Move Requests – Part 2
      3. REF: E14 Mailbox Role – Move Requests – Part 3
      REF: E14 Mailbox Role – Move Requests – Part 4 
      5. REF: E14 Mailbox Role – Move Requests – Part 5

      More Information & Reference
      1. Understanding Move Requests


      REF: E14 Mailbox Role – Move Requests – Part 3


      1. 信箱搬移由Exchange 2007 CMDlet 改為Exchange 2010 MRS Service
      2. MRS 可控制各AD site 的move request, 避免重複的move request
      3. MSExchangeMailboxReplication.exe.config. 負責控制move request 設定
      4. 可調整一次的信箱搬移數量, 預設為5, Exchange 2003 為4
      5.  by default, MRSProxy is disabled
      6. MRSProxy 負責remote forest 的跨樹系信箱遷移工作

      Mailbox Replication Service

      When you use the Move Request cmdlets to perform the mailbox move the move will be conducted by MRS. As stated previously, MRS resides on an Exchange 2010 Client Access server and is the service that moves mailboxes from the source database to the target database. In Exchange 2007, the mailbox move was performed by the actual Move-Mailbox cmdlet. Using a service as the agent of the move allows you to move mailboxes asynchronously while they remain accessible to the user. During the move, you maintain the ability to view, cancel, and manage the move request from any Exchange 2010 server in your organization.

      You can start and stop the Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Replication service as you would any service. MRS constantly checks for all move requests in its own active directory site. In addition, there is a sharing mechanism between all instances of MRS so that no two servers will attempt to perform the same move request.

      All MRS instances in an Active Directory site work together to ensure that the database and Client Access server throttling is respected across all instances of MRS. MRS throttline is controlled by a configuration file. The default location for the configuration file can be found in the same location where Exchange was installed:

      <Exchange Installation Path>\V14\Bin\MSExchangeMailboxReplication.exe.config.


      You can control the following properties:

      • MaxActiveMovesPerSourceMDB   This property indicates the number of mailboxes that can be moved on the source mailbox database at one time. The default value is 5 concurrent moves.
      • MaxActiveMovesPerTargetMDB  This property indicates the number of mailbox moves that can be moved on the target mailbox database at one time. The default value is 5 concurrent moves.
      • MaxTotalMovesPerMRS   This property indicates the number of mailboxes that can be moved by a single instance of MRS. The default value is 100 concurrent moves.
      • MaxActiveMovesPerTargetServer   This property indicates the total number of moves that can occur on the target server at a given time. The default value is 5 concurrent moves.
      • MaxActiveMovesPerSourceServer   This property indicates the total number of moves that can occur on the source server at a given time. The default value is 5 concurrent moves.
      • MaxMoveHistoryLength   This property indicates the maximum number of move histories to maintain in the mailbox. The default value is 2 move histories per mailbox.
      • FullScanMoveJobsPollingPeriod   This property indicates how often each instance of MRS will scan for new move requests. The default value is 10 minutes.

      In addition to MRS, the Mailbox Replication Proxy service is installed on every Exchange2010 Client Access server. MRSProxy helps to facilitate cross-forest move requests and MRSProxy runs on the remote forest’s Exchange 2010 client access server. However, by default, MRSProxy is disabled. You will need to turn on MRSProxy on the remote forest by modifying the web.config file for the Client Access Server on which you want to enable MRSProxy. We recommend that you enable MRSProxy on all CAS servers in the remote forest. The configuration file can be found in the same location where Exchange was installed:

      <Exchange Installation Path>\V14\ClientAccess\ExchWeb\EWS\web.config

      Open the file with a text editor, such as Notepad and locate the section MRSProxyConfiguration and edit IsEnabled to equal "true".

      When MRSProxy is turned on, you can connect to the end point with a Web application, such as Internet Explorer by using the following URL:



      Replace CASServerName with the name of the Client Access server on which you enabled MRSProxy. If you get a "Page not found" error, MRSProxy is not enabled on that server.

      For more information about MRSProxy and how it helps to facilitate remote move requests, see Remote Mailbox Moves with Exchange 2010 in both Forests later in this topic.


      Blog Extended Reading

      1. REF: E14 Mailbox Role – Move Requests – Part 1
      2. REF: E14 Mailbox Role – Move Requests – Part 2
      3. REF: E14 Mailbox Role – Move Requests – Part 3
      REF: E14 Mailbox Role – Move Requests – Part 4
      5. REF: E14 Mailbox Role – Move Requests – Part 5

      More Information & Reference
      1. Understanding Move Requests


      REF: E14 Mailbox Role – Move Requests – Part 1


      1. 提供跨 forest 的信箱遷移功能
      2. 信箱資料是非同步搬移
      3. 線上搬移不影響使用者存取
      4. 信箱遷移記錄不存在於server 上, 而記錄於信箱上
      5. Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Replication Service (MRS) – CAS 負責信箱遷移
      6. 透過CAS 的MRS, 可以於ORG外進行move mailbox request
      7. local mailbox move & remote mailbox move
      8. 另一個文章未提到的重點, CAS role 的Loading 又加重很多


      Cautions and Prerequisites to Moving Mailboxes
      • You can’t use the Exchange System Manager or Active Directory Users and Computers to move mailboxes from Exchange 2003 to Exchange 2010.
      • You can’t use the Move-Mailbox cmdlets in Exchange 2007 to move mailboxes from Exchange 2007 to Exchange 2010.
      • When you move mailboxes, the user will lose the ability to view their message tracking information.
      Advantages to move requests

      Move requests are a new feature in Exchange 2010. Creating a move request consists of running a series of cmdlets that perform the move request. There are multiple advantages to using move requests to perform the move:

      • Moving the mailboxes is asynchronous and is carried out by the Mailbox Replication Service.
      • Mailboxes are kept online during the asynchronous moves.
      • The mailbox’s Recoverable Items are moved with the mailbox, which is available only in Exchange 2010.
      • Fast search is available upon completion. As soon as the mailbox begins to move, content indexing starts to scan the mailbox so that fast searching is available upon completion of the move.
      • You can configure throttling for each MRS instance, each mailbox database, or each mailbox server.
      • Remote mailbox moves work over the Internet by way of MSProxy. You don’t need to set up a direct back-end server and active directory access between the forests.
      • Mailbox moves can be managed from anywhere within the organization.
      • Mailbox content doesn’t move through an administrative machine.
      • The mailbox’s move history is maintained in the mailbox.
      Asynchronous Mailbox Moves

      In Exchange Server 2007, when you use the Move-Mailbox to move a mailbox, the cmdlet logs into both the source database and the target database and moves the content from one mailbox to the other mailbox. While the cmdlet is running you can’t close the Shell until the command completes. If you close the Shell during the move, the move will fail. The move process can take several hours to complete.

      The new Move Request cmdlets can perform an asynchronous move because the cmdlets do not perform the actual move. The move is performed by the Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Replication Service (MRS), which is a new service running on all Exchange 2010 Client Access servers in your organization. The New-MoveRequest sends a request to MRS. The benefit of using the service is that it enables you to manage mailbox moves from anywhere within the organization after the move request is placed. For more information, see the Mailbox Replication Services section later in this topic.


      Online Mailbox Moves

      In an online mailbox move, the mailbox is moved while the end-users can still access their e-mail accounts and the account only locks out the user for a very brief time during the end of the process when the final synchronization occurs. Online mailbox moves are only supported between Exchange 2010 databases, and between Exchange 2007 SP2 and Exchange 2010 databases. You can perform an online mailbox move across forests or in the same forest. The process for a local mailbox move and a remote mailbox move differ and are outlined later in this topic.


      Blog Extended Reading

      1. REF: E14 Mailbox Role – Move Requests – Part 1
      2. REF: E14 Mailbox Role – Move Requests – Part 2
      3. REF: E14 Mailbox Role – Move Requests – Part 3
      REF: E14 Mailbox Role – Move Requests – Part 4
      5. REF: E14 Mailbox Role – Move Requests – Part 5

      More Information & Reference
      1. Understanding Move Requests


      Issue: E14 Cannot create new mailbox




      (PID 11000, Thread 13) Task Enable-Mailbox writing error when processing record of index 0. Error: Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.ADOperationException: Active Directory operation failed on DC12.msft.corp.com. This error is not retriable. Additional information: 存取權限不足,無法執行操作。.
      Active directory response: 00002098: SecErr: DSID-03150E8A, problem 4003 (INSUFF_ACCESS_RIGHTS), data 0
      —> System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.DirectoryOperationException: 使用者的存取權限不足。
         於 System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.LdapConnection.ConstructResponse(Int32 messageId, LdapOperation operation, ResultAll resultType, TimeSpan requestTimeOut, Boolean exceptionOnTimeOut)
         於 System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.LdapConnection.SendRequest(DirectoryRequest request, TimeSpan requestTimeout)
         於 Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.PooledLdapConnection.SendRequest(DirectoryRequest request, LdapOperation ldapOperation, IAccountingObject budget)
         於 Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.ADSession.ExecuteModificationRequest(ADObject entry, DirectoryRequest request, ADObjectId originalId, Boolean emptyObjectSessionOnException)
         — 內部例外狀況堆疊追蹤的結尾 —
         於 Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.ADSession.AnalyzeDirectoryError(PooledLdapConnection connection, DirectoryRequest request, DirectoryException de, Int32 totalRetries, Int32 retriesOnServer)
         於 Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.ADSession.ExecuteModificationRequest(ADObject entry, DirectoryRequest request, ADObjectId originalId, Boolean emptyObjectSessionOnException)
         於 Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.ADSession.Save(ADObject instanceToSave, IEnumerable`1 properties)
         於 Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.Recipient.ADRecipientSession.Microsoft.Exchange.Data.IConfigDataProvider.Save(IConfigurable instance)
         於 Microsoft.Exchange.Management.RecipientTasks.EnableMailbox.PrepareRecipientObject(ADUser& user)
         於 Microsoft.Exchange.Management.RecipientTasks.EnableRecipientObjectTask`2.PrepareDataObject()
         於 Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.SetTaskBase`1.InternalValidate()
         於 Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.ObjectActionTask`2.InternalValidate()
         於 Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.RecipientObjectActionTask`2.InternalValidate()
         於 Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.ProcessRecord()

      Blog Extended Reading

      More Information & Reference

