LAB–Exchange 2007 SP2 CCR upgrade to SP3 on server 2003


如何將 CCR 環境中的叢集信箱伺服器升級至 Exchange 2007 SP1 或 SP2

如何在 CCR 環境中安裝更新彙總套件


Cluster res
Cluster group




Move-ClusteredMailboxServer to another NODE

[PS] C:\>Move-ClusteredMailboxServer -Identity:Test-E2K7-CCR -TargetMachine:TEST-E2K7-CCR1 -MoveComment:"from CCR2 to CCR1"


Cluster Group still owned by CCR2

Cluster Res

Cluster Group “Cluster Group” /move


7. Check Cluster res

8. Cluster Status from GUI


9. Get-ExchangeServer | ft name,AdminDisplayVersion


10. Stop and then restart the Remote Registry service.


11. Upgrade Passive Node
Performing this procedure results in a brief outage during the upgrade process. Exchange Setup /m:upgrade should be run only on the passive node in the cluster


12. Restart Passive Node and login to Passive Node

13. On Passive Node, open EMS

Stop-ClusteredMailboxServer cmdlet to stop the clustered mailbox server
Stop-ClusteredMailboxServer Test-E2K7-CCR –StopReason “Upgrade to SP3”



14. Move ClusteredMailbox to PassiveNode

[PS] C:\>Move-ClusteredMailboxServer -Identity "TEST-E2K7-CCR" -TargetMachine "EST-E2K7-CCR2" -MoveComment "Upgrade to SP3"


15. On Passive Node (NodeB)
Run the following command to upgrade the clustered mailbox server that is now owned by NodeB:

Setup /upgradecms

Setup performs the clustered mailbox server prerequisite checks and, after those are complete, Setup upgrades the clustered mailbox server and brings it online.





17. On Node A

Stop and then restart the Remote Registry service.

18. On Node A

Setup /m:upgrade

19. Cluster Group “Cluster Group” /move to Active Node (Node B)




21. Close EMS (PowerShell)


22. Restart Node A


23. Faild to move ClusterMailbox




Cluster Group /move to Node A



25. Update SP3 Rollup3 on passive Node

將更新套用至真正的被動節點   更新彙總套件只應安裝於被動節點上。Exchange 2007 當中,被動節點是不包含叢集信箱伺服器的容錯移轉叢集節點。安裝更新彙總套件期間,要安裝更新之節點上的叢集服務將會停止再重新啟動。這會造成節點所擁有的任何資源都容錯移轉至剩餘節點 (可能的話),或者離線 (若無法移至其他節點)。基於這個理由,在您開始安裝更新彙總套件之前,建議此節點不應含任何其他叢集群組,包括預設的叢集群組和與 Exchange 無關的其他資源群組。您應先手動將這些群組移至其他節點 (例如主動節點),然後才在被動節點上安裝更新彙總套件。從命令列使用以下命令將預設叢集群組移至另一個節點:

Cluster.exe group "Cluster Group" /move:<NodeName>

LAB–Exchange 2007 CCR on E2K3 補完



1. 驗證 CCR 解決方案

完成 CCR 解決方案的安裝後,或是進行重大組態變更後,建議您驗證 CMS 的健康狀況和狀態,並驗證這兩個節點都已正確設定成支援 CMS。

驗證 CMS 的健康狀況和狀態的建議方法是執行 Get-StorageGroupCopyStatusGet-ClusteredMailboxServerStatus 指令程式:



Move-ClusteredMailboxServer -Identity:EXCMS -TargetMachine:NodeB -MoveComment:"Getting ready for maintenance on NodeA"

Move-ClusterMailboxServer –identity:TEST-E2K7-CCR –TargetMachine:Test-E2K7-CCR1 –MoveComments:”TEST”




Ticket: Public Folder Replication Fails Due To Empty Legacy Administrative Group


Exchange 2007 Event 8207 MSExchangeFBPublish Finally Fixed

Error updating public folder with free/busy information on virtual machine claexc01. The error number is 0x80004005

Hi Michael, I’m not sure whether to be impressed or shocked that my site is blocked in China. Here’s a new URL to try (, otherwise here’s a copy of the text:

During a migration from Exchange Server 2003 to Exchange Server 2007 you need to add the Exchange 2007 server to replicas for each of the Public Folders (as you would need with any Exchange server migration) and this includes the System folders as well.
In our case I missed the SCHEDULE+ FREE BUSY folder. This resulted in Outlook 2003 clients unable to see Free/Busy information when creating a meeting request. The user would see this error in Outlook when attempting to see another users schedule:
    no free/busy information could be retrieved
In addition to this, the following error was logged on the Exchange Server:
    Event Type: Error
    Event Source: MSExchangeFBPublish
    Event Category: General
    Event ID: 8207
    Date: 8/05/2007
    Time: 3:16:17 PM
    User: N/A
    Computer: EXCHSVR
    Error updating public folder with free/busy information on virtual machine exchsrvr. The error number is 0×80004005.
After a bit of digging around, it occurred to me that I’d missed adding the new server to the Public Folder replicas. To add the replicas you will need to get the list of the sub-folders of the SCHEDULE+ FREE BUSY folder. You can see this list with this command (replace exchsrvr with the name of your server):
[PS] C:\>Get-PublicFolder -server exchsvr “\non_ipm_subtree\SCHEDULE+ FREE BUSY” -recurse | Format-List

Then to add the replicas run these commands (you’ll have to add your own server and organisation names):
[PS] C:\>Set-PublicFolder –Identity “\NON_IPM_SUBTREE\SCHEDULE+ FREE BUSY\EX:/o=Company/ou=First Administrative Group” –Replicas “exchsrvr\Public Folder Database”

[PS] C:\>Set-PublicFolder –Identity “\NON_IPM_SUBTREE\SCHEDULE+ FREE BUSY\EX:/o=Company/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)” –Replicas “exchsrvr\Public Folder Database”
Once I did this and ran OUTLOOK.EXE /cleanfreebusy, so I didn’t have to wait for the free/busy data to be published, all was well.


Public Folder Replication Fails Due To Empty Legacy Administrative Group
A missing free/busy folder

Removing a legacy admin group does not typically cause a problem. However, there is a possible situation to be aware of.

Every admin group has a siteFolderServer attribute. This attribute points to the public folder store that is responsible for the free/busy folder for that admin group. Most of the time, that public folder store doesn’t have to do anything, but it is responsible for making sure that the free/busy folder exists. If the free/busy folder for that admin group is missing, it’s up to that public folder store to create it.

You can’t delete the free/busy folder through any admin tool (ESM, the cmdlets, etc, won’t let you), or even through something like ADSI Edit – it’s an object in the store, not in the Active Directory. However, it is theoretically possible that somehow, that folder could go missing. If you deleted all your public folder databases and started over with clean ones, or something else unusual happened, you could end up in a situation where there is no free/busy folder for a particular legacy admin group. If that legacy admin group no longer exists in the directory, and thus has no siteFolderServer specified, then the free/busy folder will not get recreated, and you’ll see items backing up in the System Attendant.

Even in this situation, there’s a fairly easy way to fix the problem. If you still have Exchange System Manager, you can use it to recreate the legacy admin group. Alternately, you can use ADSI Edit to do the same. The important thing is to make sure the legacyExchangeDN is correct – make sure it matches the legacyExchangeDN on the users that were created in that old admin group. On the new admin group object, make sure you have a siteFolderServer that points to an existing public store in some other admin group. Within 24 hours, the free/busy folder for that admin group will get recreated.

If you don’t want to recreate the admin group, then your other option at this point is to change the legacyExchangeDN on the users from that admin group. The steps for this are still documented in TechNet.

Our recommendation

We recommend you leave the old admin groups around, simply because there’s no reason to remove them. Also, it’s possible your free/busy folder could go missing at some point, and then you either have to recreate the admin group or change the legacyExchangeDN on the users.

If you decide to remove an admin group anyway, you should always do it through Exchange System Manager, which will prevent you from deleting it if it still contains objects you need – like the public folder hierarchy object. Deleting the admin group while it still contains the hierarchy object will completely break public folder replication and your ability to administer the folders, among other things.

For these reasons, our recommended workaround for the public folder replication issue is to delete the empty Servers container using ADSI Edit. But technically, yes, you could delete the admin group – gracefully from ESM – to achieve the same end. This doesn’t usually cause a problem, and situations where you have to change the legacyExchangeDN of the users should be pretty rare.

Ticket: UM failed submit mail to HUB


Troubleshoot: UM voice mails not submitted to Hub Transport

UMService EventID 1082 "The Unified Messaging server was unable to submit messages to a Hub Transport"

Authentication failure

UM Voicemail delivery fails – SMTP error TargetUnknown

on UM

Event Type:    Warning
Event Source:    MSExchange Unified Messaging
Event Category:    Disk
Event ID:    1185
Date:        11/24/2010
Time:        3:22:41 PM
User:        N/A
Computer:    OCS-UM
The Unified Messaging server was unable to submit a message to Hub Transport server "EXCH-CAS" because the following error occurred: 意外的 SMTP 伺服器回應。預期: 235,實際: 454,整個回應: 454 4.7.0 Temporary authentication failure


Event Type:    Error
Event Source:    MSExchange Unified Messaging
Event Category:    Services
Event ID:    1082
Date:        11/24/2010
Time:        3:19:10 PM
User:        N/A
Computer:    OCS-UM
The Unified Messaging server was unable to submit messages to a Hub Transport server because there is no Hub Transport server available to process the request with UM header file "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\UnifiedMessaging\voicemail12d51df-7bd6-4b15-a073-b1a1f9d5249c.txt". Make sure that there is a Hub Transport server located in the same Active Directory site as the UM server. In addition, make sure that the Microsoft Exchange Transport service is started on the Hub Transport server.



Event Type:    Warning
Event Source:    MSExchangeTransport
Event Category:    SmtpReceive
Event ID:    1035
Date:        11/25/2010
Time:        10:58:26 AM
User:        N/A
Computer:    EXCH-CAS
Inbound authentication failed with error IllegalMessage for Receive connector Default EXCH-CAS. The authentication mechanism is ExchangeAuth. The source IP address of the client who tried to authenticate to Microsoft Exchange is [].


Setspn.exe 工具

C:\Program Files (x86)\Resource Kit>setspn -L bqt-ca07
Registered ServicePrincipalNames for CN=BQT-CA07,CN=Computers,DC=msft,DC=corp,DC


Final root cause

Event Type:    Warning
Event Source:    LSASRV
Event Category:    SPNEGO (Negotiator)
Event ID:    40960
Date:        10/29/2010
Time:        1:00:57 AM
User:        N/A
Computer:    EXCH-CAS
The Security System detected an authentication error for the server DNS/dc.msft.corp  The failure code from authentication protocol Kerberos was "網域主控站的時間與備份網域控制站或成員伺服器上的時間相差太大。


這是 Exchange 2007 的新增參數。這是在 X-ANONYMOUSTLS 之後宣告的預設接收連接器服務延伸。


X-EXPS 命令是 Exchange 的專屬命令。此命令與 AUTH 類似,因為它會指定執行 Exchange 2007、Exchange 2003 與 Exchange 2000 的伺服器在進行驗證時可使用的方法,如下所示:

GSSAPI   一種代表一般安全性服務應用軟體程式設計介面,並且可讓使用者透過 Kerberos 進行驗證的方法。

NTLM   一種代表 Windows NT 與 LAN Manager,並且可讓使用者透過 Windows NT 挑戰/回應通訊協定進行驗證的方法。

LOGIN   一種代表 AUTH LOGIN 的方法,此為使用 Base-64 編碼之使用者名稱與密碼的純文字驗證方法。

,27,,>,250-exch-cas.msft.corp Hello [],
,32,,>,250-AUTH NTLM,
,34,,>,250-X-EXCHANGEAUTH SHA256,
,39,,>,250 XRDST,
,41,,*,SMTPSubmit SMTPSubmitForMLS SMTPAcceptAnyRecipient SMTPAcceptAuthenticationFlag SMTPAcceptAnySender SMTPAcceptAuthoritativeDomainSender BypassAntiSpam BypassMessageSizeLimit SMTPSendEXCH50 SMTPAcceptEXCH50 AcceptRoutingHeaders AcceptForestHeaders AcceptOrganizationHeaders SendRoutingHeaders SendForestHeaders SendOrganizationHeaders SendAs,Set Session Permissions

,43,,>,235 <authentication response>,
,44,,<,MAIL FROM: MicrosoftExchange329e71ec88ae4615bbc36ab6ce41109e@msft.corp,
,45,,*,08CD45909F8ED06C;2010-11-25T05:57:22.812Z;1,receiving message
,46,,>,250 2.1.0 Sender OK,
,47,,<,RCPT TO: carol.lee@msft.corp,
,48,,>,250 2.1.5 Recipient OK,

,26,,<,EHLO OCS-UM.msft.corp,
,27,,>,250-exch-cas.msft.corp Hello [],
,32,,>,250-AUTH NTLM,
,34,,>,250-X-EXCHANGEAUTH SHA256,
,39,,>,250 XRDST,
,41,,*,,Inbound ExchangeAuth negotiation failed because of IllegalMessage
,42,>,454 4.7.0 Temporary authentication failure,

Ref: 從 Exchange 2007 Transport 升級


從 Exchange 2007 Transport 升級
1. Exchange 2010 和 Exchange 2007 Hub Transport Server 需有 Exchange 2007 SP2,才能在單一 Active Directory 站台共存



由 Exchange 2007 信箱使用者傳送給 Exchange 2010 收件者的所有郵件,都會依照類似的路徑。

在 SP2 中,已將建立版本路由新增至 Exchange 2007。您必須先將現有的 Exchange 2007 伺服器升級至 SP2,才能讓 Exchange 2010 和 Exchange 2007 在相同的 Active Directory 站台中共存。當您在相同的 Active Directory 站台中擁有 Exchange 2010 和 Exchange 2007 SP2,每一部 Hub Transport Server 便會以相符的版本,來處理信箱伺服器的郵件。建立版本路由不會變更站台內郵件的路由傳送方式。

當您在相同站台中擁有 Exchange 2010 和 Exchange 2007,請考量下列事項:

  • 您不能將不相容的 Hub Transport Server,指定為信箱伺服器的提交伺服器覆寫。
  • 若是特定的信箱伺服器,如果您在本機站台上沒有相符版本的 Hub Transport Server,則該信箱伺服器上的使用者送出的所有郵件,都會保留在信箱伺服器中。
  • 若是特定的信箱伺服器,如果您在本機站台上沒有相符版本的 Hub Transport Server,對於傳送給該信箱伺服器上使用者的所有郵件,會發佈未傳遞回報 (NDR)。
  • 傳送到已啟用郵件的公用資料夾郵件,其處理方式和郵件傳送到信箱相同。

REF: Exchange 2007 HUB issue




容錯: 系統自動允許單點失敗

負載平衡: 自動依各項機制分散loading
以下內容為Exchange 2007 適用

1. 同一AD site 中組織組態的to internet connector 會自動進行容錯及負載平衡

同一 Active Directory 站台的傳送連接器上指定了多個來源傳輸伺服器的郵件轉送

在下圖中,傳送連接器 C1 設定為使用 Hub Transport Server A 及 Hub Transport Server B 作為來源伺服器。當 Hub Transport Server C 路由傳送郵件至傳送連接器 C1 時,會在 Hub Transport Server A 與 Hub Transport Server B 之間進行郵件分散的負載平衡。

同一 Active Directory 站台的傳送連接器上多個來源傳輸伺服器


如果轉送郵件的伺服器也設定為所選連接器的來源傳輸伺服器,則不會進行負載平衡。在這樣的情況下,鄰近本機伺服器會比鄰近本機 Active Directory 站台更佔優勢,而一律使用本機伺服器來路由傳送郵件。
在此圖中,如果 Hub Transport Server C 也設定為傳送連接器 C1 上的來源傳輸伺服器,則從 Hub Transport Server C 轉送的郵件會透過傳送連接器 C1 來路由傳送,而不是負載平衡至 Hub Transport Server A 與 Hub Transport Server B。

2. 不同AD site 使用的to internet connector 不會自動進行負載平衡,但可以設定容錯!!

不同 Active Directory 站台中的來源傳輸伺服器

如果正在用來路由傳送電子郵件的傳送連接器的來源傳輸伺服器位於不同的遠端 Active Directory 站台,則郵件不會在這些 Active Directory 站台之間進行負載平衡。反而,會選擇一個 Active Directory 站台,並將郵件轉送至該站台。具有最低成本的 Active Directory 站台會優先選用。如果所有 Active Directory 站台都具有相同成本,則會選擇來源傳輸伺服器清單中第一個列出的來源傳輸伺服器的 Active Directory 站台。

下圖顯示當針對傳送連接器設定來自多個 Active Directory 站台的來源傳輸伺服器時的郵件路由行為。在此圖中,郵件會從 Active Directory 站台 3 路由傳送至外部收件者。連接器 C1 被選為位址空間最接近的連接器。連接器 C1 的來源傳輸伺服器有 Active Directory 站台 1 及 Active Directory 站台 2 中的 Hub Transport Server。如果第一個列出的來源傳輸伺服器位於 Active Directory 站台 1,則來自 Active Directory 站台 3 的所有郵件都會路由傳送至 Active Directory 站台 1。Active Directory 站台 1 中的任何 Hub Transport Server 都可以接收郵件,然後使用本機 Active Directory 站台負載平衡來分散郵件,以在 Hub Transport Server A 與 Hub Transport Server B 之間進行轉送。

來自傳送連接器上設定的不同 Active Directory 站台的來源傳輸伺服器


不支援在 Active Directory 站台之間進行負載平衡,因為 Exchange 2007 一律會使用決定性路由,而且一律都只會選取一個 Active Directory 站台來路由傳送郵件。

需先取消Scoped Send connector
您可以使用傳送連接器範圍來控制傳送連接器在 Exchange 組織內的可見性。依預設,Exchange 組織內的所有 Hub Transport Server 都可以使用您建立的所有傳送連接器。不過,您可以限制任何傳送連接器的範圍,使得只有相同 Active Directory 站台內的其他 Hub Transport Server 才可以使用傳送連接器。

加入其他site HUB


3. AD site to AD site 間HUB傳輸,每個site 也各需兩台HUB 來進行容錯及負載平衡!

到遠端 Active Directory 站台的郵件轉送

當單一 Active Directory 站台中部署多個 Hub Transport Server 時,會以循環配置方式指定其他 Active Directory 站台到那些 Hub Transport Server 的連線優先順序。當某個 Active Directory 站台中的 Hub Transport Server 將收件者的位置解析為另一個 Active Directory 站台中的 Mailbox Server 時,則會傳回遠端站台中 Hub Transport Server 的優先順序清單。如果 Active Directory 站台中的 Hub Transport Server 無法使用,則會嘗試連線至優先順序清單上的其他 Hub Transport Server。這可在 Active Directory 站台中提供容錯。

4. 單一站台中有多個HUB角色,會進行容錯及負載平衡!

Mailbox Server Hub Transport Server 的郵件轉送

Active Directory 站台中已部署多個 Hub Transport Server。如果 Hub Transport Server 與 Mailbox Server 位在相同位置,則該 Hub Transport Server 一律優先於同一站台中的其他 Hub Transport Server。
這表示  Microsoft Exchange 郵件提交服務一律會通知本機 Hub Transport Server。如果沒有 Hub Transport Server 與 Mailbox Server 位在相同位置,或如果本機 Mailbox Server 上的 Hub Transport Server 無法使用,則會以循環配置方式使用同一 Active Directory 站台中的其他 Hub Transport Server。

如果多部 Hub Transport Server 與提交可以擷取郵件之通知的 Mailbox Server 位在相同 Active Directory 站台中,則會處理下列選項:

  • 如果本機 Mailbox Server 也執行 Hub Transport server role,則會通知本機伺服器。如果未執行本機 Microsoft Exchange 傳輸服務,或本機 Hub Transport Server 因背壓而無法處理新的郵件提交,則會通知另一個可用的 Hub Transport Server。如需背壓的相關資訊,請參閱了解背壓
  • 如果本機 Mailbox Server 未執行 Hub Transport server role,則會使用循環配置在 Hub Transport Server 之間對通知進行負載平衡。
5. 單一AD site 中,若唯一一台或無HUB 可用時,郵件傳輸將會暫停!

如果無法連絡選取的 Hub Transport Server,則 Microsoft Exchange 郵件提交服務會容錯移轉至位在相同 Active Directory 站台中的不同 Hub Transport Server。失敗伺服器會標示為非使用中,而且會選取提交伺服器清單中的下一部 Hub Transport Server。如果本機 Active Directory 站台中沒有可用的 Hub Transport Server,則提交伺服器清單會是空的。在此情況下,會記錄一則事件,而且會暫時停止郵件提交通知。而系統會在五分鐘之後重試標示為非使用中的 Hub Transport Server

6. 若要指定MBS提交的HUB,可依下列說明設定!

Microsoft Exchange 郵件提交服務預設會在站台的 Hub Transport Server 之間對通知事件進行負載平衡,讓每個 Hub Transport Server 所接收要處理的通知事件有平均地分配。在某些情況下,提供平均分配可能不是最佳的解決方案。並非所有 Hub Transport Server 都具有相同的容量,而且某些郵件需要額外進行處理。例如,Hub Transport Server 處理具有大型附件或許多收件者的郵件所需的時間,會比處理只寄給一個收件者的小型郵件所需的時間還要久。如果想要建立 Mailbox Server 應該通知之 Hub Transport Server 的靜態清單,可以在 Exchange 管理命令介面中使用 Set-MailboxServer 指令程式。使用 SubmissionServerOverrideList 參數,則可以指定本機 Mailbox Server 在有郵件需要擷取時會通知的 Hub Transport Server 清單。如需如何設定此設定的相關資訊,請參閱 Set-MailboxServer

Get-MailboxServer -Identity bqt-ca07 | fl

Get-MailboxServer -Identity bqt-ca07 | ft identity,submissionServerOverridelist

Set-MailboxServer -Identity bqt-ca07 -SubmissionServerOverrideList bqt-ca07
