E14–Autodiscover overwrites Outlook “MSSTD” setting


1. Keywords

Outlook Provider
mutual autentication
disable mutual authentication exchange 2010


2. Question




What you need to do is to configure the Outlookprovider EXPR.
Set-OutlookProvider EXPR -CertPrincipalName msstd:bleum.com

You can also set the CertPrincipleName to a value of none to disable mutual autentication, but I really don’t recommend that. Example:
Set-OutlookProvider EXPR -CertPrincipalName none

When that has been done, recycle the applicationpool MSExchangeAutodiscoverAppPool in IIS

3. Before recycle IIS Pool





4. Recycle IIS Pool




5. EXRCA after recycle IIS pool





REF: E14 Outlook Provider


Exchange 2010 Set-OutlookProvider

The Set-OutlookProvider cmdlet creates the global settings for the Autodiscover service.
It sets the AutoDiscoverConfig object under theGlobal Settings object in Active Directory and sets the attributes specified in the parameters listed in the Parameters section.

The Autodiscover Service and Outlook Providers – how does this stuff work?


By default three Outlook Providers are used to configure settings individually for Exchange RPC protocol or internal clients (EXCH), Outlook Anywhere (EXPR) and WEB.

  • The EXCH setting references the Exchange RPC protocol that is used internally. This setting includes port settings and the internal URLs for the Exchange services that you have enabled.
  • The EXPR setting references the Exchange HTTP protocol that is used by Outlook Anywhere. This setting includes the external URLs for the Exchange services that you have enabled, which are used by clients that access Exchange from the Internet.
  • The WEB setting contains the best URL for Outlook Web Access for the user to use. This setting is not in use.

a. If the request is made by an Outlook Exchange RPC client, the EXCH provider will return the InternalUrl configured on the best CAS server for the following services: Availability Service, OAB virtual directory and Unified Messaging virtual directory.

b. If the request is made by an Outlook Anywhere Exchange HTTP client, the EXPR provider will return the External URL configured on the best CAS server for the same services: Availability Service, OAB virtual directory and Unified Messaging virtual directory and ExternalHostName for Outlook Anywhere.

Note: If the ExternalUrl is not set, the CAS will fail-back returning the InternalUrl.

When, if and how do you modify Outlook Providers?


Scenario 1: Multiple AD sites where both CAS servers are Internet-Facing and Outlook Anywhere is enabled. Each Client Access Server has its own certificate installed. The User1 mailbox is located on a Mailbox server on AD site 1, and User2 mailbox on a Mailbox server on AD site 2. Both Outlook clients are on the Internet, thus they will connect through Outlook Anywhere.

Note: Autodiscover is configured properly on the Internet as Autodiscover.fourthcoffee.com.

When the User1 connect to Autodiscover.fourthcoffee.com server, the Autodiscover service will identify the request comes from an Outlook client and then will return both InternalURLs and ExternalURLs.

In this scenario we will explain the importance of not changing Outlook providers. As the parametersServer and CertPrincName are $null. The Service Discovery will return to the client the best CAS for Outlook Anywhere, in this case mail1.fourthcoffee.com.


Remember that the Outlook provider is a global setting in Active Directory. What would happen if you have modified the parameter Server to mail1.fourthcoffee.com?

Set-OutlookProvider EXPR -Server mail1.fourthcoffee.com

This setting will force all Outlook Anywhere clients, User1 and User2 to connect to the same CAS servermail1.fourthcoffee.com no matter where the user mailbox is located, preventing the Service Discovery to provide the best CAS.

Another issue could result if you decided to change Outlook Anywhere ExternalHostName toOutlookanywhere.fourthcoffee.com. The setting on the EXPR Outlook provider set tomail1.fourthcoffee.com will prevent Outlook Anywhere to connect since the mail1.fourthcoffee.com is not longer available.


Clean EXPR

[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Set-OutlookProvider -Identity expr -CertPrincipalName $null -Server $null

[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-OutlookProvider -Identity expr | fl

RunspaceId           : c392df9f-35db-4b37-9e44-181a96df4c52
CertPrincipalName    :
Server               :

TTL                  : 1
OutlookProviderFlags : None
AdminDisplayName     :
ExchangeVersion      : 0.1 (8.0.535.0)
Name                 : EXPR
DistinguishedName    : CN=EXPR,CN=Outlook,CN=AutoDiscover,CN=Client Access,CN=MSFT,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN
Identity             : EXPR
Guid                 : ecdbfb18-69a4-4275-8bec-c14e1b73045d
ObjectCategory       : corp.com/Configuration/Schema/ms-Exch-Auto-Discover-Config
ObjectClass          : {top, msExchAutoDiscoverConfig}
WhenChanged          : 5/4/2012 10:05:49 AM
WhenCreated          : 3/11/2008 10:46:40 AM
WhenChangedUTC       : 5/4/2012 2:05:49 AM
WhenCreatedUTC       : 3/11/2008 2:46:40 AM
OrganizationId       :
OriginatingServer    : RDC02.corp.com
IsValid              : True

Outlook 2007 , Exchange 2003 & Autodiscover

Outlook 2007 feature matrix based on Exchange Server version


The Autodiscover service is automatically installed and configured when the Client Access Server role is added to any Exchange 2007 server. During the configuration, an Autodiscover virtual directory is created under the default Web site and a Service Connection Point (SCP) object is created in Active Directory. The virtual directory and SCP object are essential elements of your Exchange environment as they allow Outlook 2007 clients to quickly find and communicate with the Client Access Server.

Depending on your client location, Outlook uses one of the following methods for communicating with the Client Access Server.

  • SCP object – If you are logged into the domain, Outlook 2007 searches Active Directory for the SCP information. The SCP contains the URL to the Autodiscover service, which is then used by Outlook to contact the Client Access Server.
  • DNS – If you are not logged into the domain, or Outlook cannot locate an SCP object in Active Directory, Outlook tries to locate the Autodiscover service via DNS. Based on the suffix of your SMTP address, Outlook performs several connection attempts to the following hard-coded URLs:



Assuming Outlook is able to connect using either of the above methods, the Client Access Server configures Outlook clients by automatically pushing down settings for the following items.

  • Mailbox server
  • UM server URL
  • OAB download location
  • Availability service URL
  • Outlook Anywhere configuration details
  • Authentication method

All of this information can easily be seen via the Test E-mail AutoConfiguration tool in Outlook 2007 (press CTRL and right-click the Outlook icon in the System tray).

To learn how the Outlook discovery mechanisms work and how to modify an XML file to configure Autodiscover, please click the following link to the Outlook Automatic Account Configuration whitepaper:


NOTE: Autodiscover is not used by Outlook Web Access or versions of Outlook earlier than 2007. If you are connecting with an Exchange 2007 mailbox with an Outlook 2003 client (for example), the process is identical to connecting with an Exchange 2003 mailbox.

Automatic configuration with older Exchange servers

In an Exchange environment that does not include Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 or later, Outlook still attempts to locate Exchange mailboxes. Active Directory includes a mailbox server property that can be set for each user. If standard Autodiscover attempts fail, Outlook tries to configure simple Exchange connections to an earlier version of Exchange server by using the Exchange mailbox server property. For a simple server topology with one domain and all Outlook computers joined to the domain, Outlook queries Active Directory for the Exchange server defined for the user logged in to the computer.

Set-ClientAccessServer SCP Autodiscover


1. 瞭解自動探索服務

SCP 物件會包含樹系之自動探索服務 URL 的授權清單。您可使用 Set-ClientAccessServer 指令程式更新 SCP 物件

在執行 Set-ClientAccessServer 指令程式前,請確定用戶端存取伺服器上已驗證的使用者帳戶,具有該 SCP 物件的讀取權限。如果使用者的權限不正確,將無法搜尋及讀取項目。

2. Configuring Exchange 2007 Autodiscover Site Affinity

Internal Clients who are domain joined will first try to contact Active Directory for Service Connection Point (SCP) information.  Each time a CAS is installed into your Forest, that CAS will create an SCP in AD which provides a mean for Outlook 2007 clients to figure out the URL it should access Autodiscover.  This SCP is created in the following location:

CN=Autodiscover,CN=Protocols,CN=<CASServer>,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Administrative Group,CN=Administrative Groups,CN=First Organization,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services

To manually configure the SCP, you can run the following command:

Set-ClientAccessServer -Identity CASServer -AutoDiscoverServiceInternalUrihttps://affinityUS.shudnow.net/Autodiscover/Autodiscover.xml

By default, the SCP is configured with the following URL (Uses NetBIOS instead of FQDN):


Method 1

We will create a custom DNS record for each country that will Round Robin your client requests to the CAS Servers in their respective countries.  The following FQDNs will be:



[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-ClientAccessserver -Identity BQT-CAS02 | fl

RunspaceId                           : 13075fd1-0c53-4449-be88-793bb687961a
Name                                 : BQT-CAS02
Fqdn                                 : BQT-CAS02.MSFT.corp.com
OutlookAnywhereEnabled               : True
AutoDiscoverServiceCN                : BQT-CAS02
AutoDiscoverServiceClassName         : ms-Exchange-AutoDiscover-Service
AutoDiscoverServiceInternalUri       :
AutoDiscoverServiceGuid              : 77378f46-2c66-4aa9-a6a6-3e7a48b19596
AutoDiscoverSiteScope                : {BQT}
AlternateServiceAccountConfiguration :

IsValid                              : True
ExchangeVersion                      : 0.1 (8.0.535.0)
DistinguishedName                    : CN=BQT-CAS02,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=MSFT,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=corp,DC=com
Identity                             : BQT-CAS02
Guid                                 : db54f07a-4371-49d8-ba26-688dffe7451e
ObjectCategory                       : corp.com/Configuration/Schema/ms-Exch-Exchange-Server
ObjectClass                          : {top, server, msExchExchangeServer}
WhenChanged                          : 5/17/2010 9:20:59 AM
WhenCreated                          : 5/17/2010 9:17:42 AM
WhenChangedUTC                       : 5/17/2010 1:20:59 AM
WhenCreatedUTC                       : 5/17/2010 1:17:42 AM
OrganizationId                       :
OriginatingServer                    : DC12.MSFT.corp.com

Set-OutlookProvider –id exch –server:



Uncovering the New Outlook 2007 AutoDiscover Service

Configuring the AutoDiscover Service on the Client Access Server

Before we’re ready to move on and configure our Outlook 2007 clients using the AutoDiscover service, we also need to specify which CAS server is to be used by the msExchOutlookProvider attribute on the msExchDiscoverConfig object in Active Directory. Because the Exchange Server 2007 build I use in this article doesn’t have an option for configuring the Outlook Provider Configuration settings in the Exchange Management Console, we need to do so using the OutlookProvider CMDlet via the Exchange Management Shell instead. So let’s fire up the Exchange Management Shell then type the below command and hit Enter:

Set-OutlookProvider –id exch –server:

Configuring Outlook 2007 with Exchange Server 2007



[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-OutlookProvider | fl

RunspaceId           : 13075fd1-0c53-4449-be88-793bb687961a
CertPrincipalName    :
Server               :
TTL                  : 1
OutlookProviderFlags : None
AdminDisplayName     :
ExchangeVersion      : 0.1 (8.0.535.0)
Name                 : EXCH
DistinguishedName    : CN=EXCH,CN=Outlook,CN=AutoDiscover,CN=Client Access,CN=MSFT,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=corp,DC=com
Identity             : EXCH
Guid                 : e947a78c-9308-40cc-8ad6-8173dbd2c48f
ObjectCategory       : corp.com/Configuration/Schema/ms-Exch-Auto-Discover-Config
ObjectClass          : {top, msExchAutoDiscoverConfig}
WhenChanged          : 5/6/2008 6:17:39 PM
WhenCreated          : 3/11/2008 10:46:40 AM
WhenChangedUTC       : 5/6/2008 10:17:39 AM
WhenCreatedUTC       : 3/11/2008 2:46:40 AM
OrganizationId       :
OriginatingServer    : DC12.MSFT.corp.com
IsValid              : True


[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Set-OutlookProvider -Identity exch -Server: bqt-cas

[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-OutlookProvider | fl

RunspaceId           : 13075fd1-0c53-4449-be88-793bb687961a
CertPrincipalName    :
Server               : bqt-cas
TTL                  : 1
OutlookProviderFlags : None
AdminDisplayName     :
ExchangeVersion      : 0.1 (8.0.535.0)
Name                 : EXCH
DistinguishedName    : CN=EXCH,CN=Outlook,CN=AutoDiscover,CN=Client Access,CN=MSFT,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=corp,DC=com
Identity             : EXCH
Guid                 : e947a78c-9308-40cc-8ad6-8173dbd2c48f
ObjectCategory       : corp.com/Configuration/Schema/ms-Exch-Auto-Discover-Config
ObjectClass          : {top, msExchAutoDiscoverConfig}
WhenChanged          : 5/26/2010 3:45:21 PM
WhenCreated          : 3/11/2008 10:46:40 AM
WhenChangedUTC       : 5/26/2010 7:45:21 AM
WhenCreatedUTC       : 3/11/2008 2:46:40 AM
OrganizationId       :
OriginatingServer    : DC12.MSFT.corp.com
IsValid              : True

RunspaceId           : 13075fd1-0c53-4449-be88-793bb687961a
CertPrincipalName    :
Server               :
TTL                  : 1
OutlookProviderFlags : None
AdminDisplayName     :
ExchangeVersion      : 0.1 (8.0.535.0)
Name                 : EXPR
DistinguishedName    : CN=EXPR,CN=Outlook,CN=AutoDiscover,CN=Client Access,CN=MSFT,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN
Identity             : EXPR
Guid                 : ecdbfb18-69a4-4275-8bec-c14e1b73045d
ObjectCategory       : corp.com/Configuration/Schema/ms-Exch-Auto-Discover-Config
ObjectClass          : {top, msExchAutoDiscoverConfig}
WhenChanged          : 5/6/2008 6:17:39 PM
WhenCreated          : 3/11/2008 10:46:40 AM
WhenChangedUTC       : 5/6/2008 10:17:39 AM
WhenCreatedUTC       : 3/11/2008 2:46:40 AM
OrganizationId       :
OriginatingServer    : DC12.MSFT.corp.com
IsValid              : True

RunspaceId           : 13075fd1-0c53-4449-be88-793bb687961a
CertPrincipalName    :
Server               :
TTL                  : 1
OutlookProviderFlags : None
AdminDisplayName     :
ExchangeVersion      : 0.1 (8.0.535.0)
Name                 : WEB
DistinguishedName    : CN=WEB,CN=Outlook,CN=AutoDiscover,CN=Client Access,CN=MSFT,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=
Identity             : WEB
Guid                 : 810de3d4-d947-4148-957d-83668e575c4a
ObjectCategory       : corp.com/Configuration/Schema/ms-Exch-Auto-Discover-Config
ObjectClass          : {top, msExchAutoDiscoverConfig}
WhenChanged          : 5/6/2008 6:17:39 PM
WhenCreated          : 3/11/2008 10:46:40 AM
WhenChangedUTC       : 5/6/2008 10:17:39 AM
WhenCreatedUTC       : 3/11/2008 2:46:40 AM
OrganizationId       :
OriginatingServer    : DC12.MSFT.corp.com
IsValid              : True



        <OABUrl>Public Folder</OABUrl>

[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Set-OutlookProvider -Identity expr -Server: bqt-cas

        <OABUrl>Public Folder</OABUrl>

Ticket: E2K7 – Autodisover DNS SRV record


在 DNS 中找不到自動探索服務位置 (SRV) 記錄

Microsoft Exchange Analyzer 工具需要 DNS 判斷是否有任何自動探索服務位置 (SRV) 記錄。此 DNS 服務位置記錄查詢的格式為「_autodiscover._tcp.<smtpDomain>」,其中 <smtpDomain> 是使用者主要 SMTP 位址的右側。如果 Exchange Remote Connectivity Analyzer 在該命名空間中找不到自動探索的任何 SRV 記錄,則會顯示下列錯誤訊息:

「在 DNS 中找不到自動探索服務位置記錄。」

Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 用戶端會嘗試使用 4 種方法連線至自動探索服務。當方法失敗時,請依照下列順序嘗試下一種方法:

  1. 使用 Active Directory 中的服務連線點 (SCP) 物件
  2. 使用 DNS
  3. 使用 HTTP 重新導向
  4. 使用 SRV 記錄

只有在您想要設定環境,讓 Client Access Server 中的自動探索虛擬目錄能夠透過使用 SRV 記錄找到時,才應將此視為錯誤。



Blog Extended Reading

More Information & Reference
1.  在 DNS 中找不到自動探索服務位置 (SRV) 記錄


Ticket: E2K7 – Outlook 「安全性憑證名稱錯誤或與網站名稱不符」


您啟動 Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 並連接到執行 Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 或 Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 之伺服器的信箱。在此情況下,您收到下列安全性警告:


注意 此情況只適用於從內部區域網路連接到 Exchange 的 Outlook 用戶端,不適用於使用 Outlook Anywhere 連接到 Exchange 的遠端 Outlook 用戶端。



  • 您使用了不同的憑證來取代預設之自我簽署的 Exchange Server 2007 或 Exchange Server 2010 憑證。
    注意 安裝 Exchange Server 2007 或 Exchange Server 2010 時,Exchange Server 2007 或 Exchange Server 2010 中的安裝程式會建立預設的自我簽署憑證。
  • 替代憑證上的一般名稱與儲存在下列物件中之 URL 的完整網域名稱 (FQDN) 不符:
    • Autodiscover 服務的「服務連接點」物件
    • Exchange 2007 Web Service (EWS) 的 InternalUrl 屬性
    • 「離線通訊錄」Web 服務的 InternalUrl 屬性
    • Exchange 整合通訊 (UM) Web 服務的 InternalUrl 屬性

預設情況下,儲存在這些物件中的 URL 會參考伺服器上的 NetBIOS 名稱。例如,會儲存類似下列的 URL:

這可能與替代憑證的 FQDN 使用的主機名稱不同。例如,替代憑證可能有類似下列的 FQDN:


這個問題會造成名稱不符的錯誤。因此,當您嘗試連接到 Outlook 2007 的信箱時就會收到安全性警告訊息。

如果要解決這個問題,請修改適當 Exchange 2007 元件的 URL。如果要執行這項操作,請依照下列步驟執行:

  1. 啟動 Exchange Management Shell。
  2. 修改「服務連接點」中的 Autodiscover URL。「服務連接點」儲存在 Active Directory 目錄服務中。如果要修改這個 URL,請輸入下列指令,然後按下 ENTER:

    Set-ClientAccessServer -Identity CAS_Server_Name -AutodiscoverServiceInternalUri https://mail.contoso.com/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml

  3. 修改 EWS 的 [InternalUrl] 屬性。如果要執行這項操作,請輸入下列命令,然後按下 ENTER:

    Set-WebServicesVirtualDirectory -Identity "CAS_Server_Name\EWS (Default Web Site)" -InternalUrl https://mail.contoso.com/ews/exchange.asmx

  4. 修改用於散佈 Web 離線通訊錄的 [InternalUrl] 屬性。如果要執行這項操作,請輸入下列命令,然後按下 ENTER:

    Set-OABVirtualDirectory -Identity "CAS_Server_name\oab (Default Web Site)" -InternalUrl https://mail.contoso.com/oab

  5. 修改 UM Web 服務的 [InternalUrl] 屬性。如果要執行這項操作,請輸入下列命令,然後按下 ENTER:

    Set-UMVirtualDirectory -Identity "CAS_Server_Name\unifiedmessaging (Default Web Site)" -InternalUrl https://mail.contoso.com/unifiedmessaging/service.asmx

    只有在 Exchange 2007 環境中才需要這個命令,在 Exchange 2010 環境中已經沒有這個指令,取而代之的是 WebServices URL。

  6. 開啟 IIS Manager。
  7. 展開本機電腦,然後展開 [應用程式集區]
  8. 用滑鼠右鍵按一下 [MSExchangeAutodiscoverAppPool],然後按一下 [回收]

重要 這些步驟假設主機記錄存在於 DNS 中,以將您指定的 FQDN 對應到 CAS 伺服器的 IP 位址。例如,試想下列狀況:

  • Exchange 元件原始的內部 URL 指向伺服器的內部 FQDN。例如,這些 URL 中的其中一個指向:


  • 憑證中指定的 FQDN 指向外部存取的伺服器主機名稱。例如,憑證指定一個 FQDN,例如「mail.contoso.com.」

在此情況下,您必須為郵件主機名稱新增一筆對應到 CAS 伺服器之內部存取 IP 位址的主機記錄,讓內部用戶端可以存取該伺服器。


Autodiscover 服務的 URL 儲存在「服務連接點」物件中。預設情況下,這個 URL 會參考安裝 Autodiscover 時出現之 CAS 的內部 FQDN。 例如,設定下列 URL: https://servername.contoso.local/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml

在這個範例中,FQDN 參考了內部命名空間。一般來說,這個命名空間與外部可存取的命名空間 (例如 mail.contoso.com) 不同。
如果內部命名空間與外部命名空間不同,且當您無法使用支援「主體別名」的憑證時,請使用 Exchange Management Shell 中的 Set-ClientAccessServer 工作來修改 URL。在此情況下,您必須修改 URL 以指向 Autodiscover 的新位置。例如,使用下列指令指向 Autodiscover 的新位置:

Set-ClientAccessServer –AutodiscoverServiceInternalUri https://mail.contoso.com/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml

Blog Extended Reading

More Information & Reference
1. 當您啟動 Outlook 2007 然後連接到執行 Exchange Server 2007 或 Exchange Server 2010 之伺服器的信箱時,收到安全性警告:「安全性憑證名稱錯誤或與網站名稱不符」


Issue: E14 OWApp redirect to E2K7 OWA




若存取 E2K7 internal OWA link ex: http://bqt-mb07/exchange

會自動重導到E14 CAS




無法透過E14 CAS internal URL 存取 E2K7 的mailbox

User host address:
OWA version: 14.0.639.11



3. Autodiscover 也自動先透過E14 CAS 來查詢 E2K3 的server


Blog Extended Reading

More Information & Reference

Understanding Proxying and Redirection



Issue: Exchange 2007 Test-OutlookWebService Part 2 – Get-OutlookProvider


Get-OutlookProvider exch/ expr/ web | fl


[PS] C:\Documents and Settings\exchadm\Desktop>Get-OutlookProvider

Name                Server              CertPrincipalName   TTL
—-                ——              —————–   —
EXCH                                                        1
EXPR                                                        1
WEB                                                         1

[PS] C:\Documents and Settings\exchadm\Desktop>Get-OutlookProvider | fl

CertPrincipalName :
Server            :
TTL               : 1
AdminDisplayName  :
ExchangeVersion   : 0.1 (8.0.535.0)
Name              : EXCH
DistinguishedName : CN=EXCH,CN=Outlook,CN=AutoDiscover,CN=Client Access,CN=msft
                    ,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=corp
Identity          : EXCH
Guid              : e947a78c-9308-40cc-8ad6-8173dbd2c48f
ObjectCategory    : corp.com/Configuration/Schema/ms-Exch-Auto-Discover-Config
ObjectClass       : {top, msExchAutoDiscoverConfig}
WhenChanged       : 5/6/2008 6:17:39 PM
WhenCreated       : 3/11/2008 10:46:40 AM
OriginatingServer : DC12.msft.corp.com
IsValid           : True

CertPrincipalName :
Server            :
TTL               : 1
AdminDisplayName  :
ExchangeVersion   : 0.1 (8.0.535.0)
Name              : EXPR
DistinguishedName : CN=EXPR,CN=Outlook,CN=AutoDiscover,CN=Client Access,CN=msft
                    ,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=corp
Identity          : EXPR
Guid              : ecdbfb18-69a4-4275-8bec-c14e1b73045d
ObjectCategory    : corp.com/Configuration/Schema/ms-Exch-Auto-Discover-Config
ObjectClass       : {top, msExchAutoDiscoverConfig}
WhenChanged       : 5/6/2008 6:17:39 PM
WhenCreated       : 3/11/2008 10:46:40 AM
OriginatingServer : DC12.msft.corp.com
IsValid           : True

CertPrincipalName :
Server            :
TTL               : 1
AdminDisplayName  :
ExchangeVersion   : 0.1 (8.0.535.0)
Name              : WEB
DistinguishedName : CN=WEB,CN=Outlook,CN=AutoDiscover,CN=Client Access,CN=msft,
                    CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=corp,
Identity          : WEB
Guid              : 810de3d4-d947-4148-957d-83668e575c4a
ObjectCategory    : corp.com/Configuration/Schema/ms-Exch-Auto-Discover-Config
ObjectClass       : {top, msExchAutoDiscoverConfig}
WhenChanged       : 5/6/2008 6:17:39 PM
WhenCreated       : 3/11/2008 10:46:40 AM
OriginatingServer : DC12.msft.corp.com
IsValid           : True




Blog Extended Reading
1. Issue: Exchange 2007 Test-OutlookWebService Part 1 – Test-OutlookWebService
2. Issue: Exchange 2007 Test-OutlookWebService Part 2 – Get-OutlookProvider

More Information & Reference
1. Outlook Anywhere ask for repetitive logon requests
2. 自動探索服務傳回意外的 Outlook 無所不在 Proxy 設定值
